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Saturday, June 27, 2009

To you

its been 1 month plussssssssssssss............. r/s i guess my mind now is like a broken video recorder playing every image that the times we are together.......... just can't go off easily, i guess i am kind of devoted in every r/s , breaking up = breaks my heart , i can't take such a blow , i really don't want .. it affect my life now, my direction just go hare wire , i have no aim but you, what have happen to me now... i am just like a drunken person floating away from myself...

this is one of my favourite picture

MIssing you

when you 're not here
i think about you throughout every single day
i long for the happiness
you used to bring my way

i think about the memories
that i will always treasure
and dream about a perfect day
when we are back together....


-Crumpler backpack-bag(black) -get bike licence
-Mac destop
-score a better GPA
-sucessfull 21 birthday party
-Get in to universtiy(NIE)
Wish list
- crumpler bag back- yee ross( black or green)
-crumpler bag- sinking barage
- crumpler bag-headaitch
-fred perry t-shirt ( M size)
-volta shirt
- razer key board ... with light
- armani exchange belt, AX symbol
- mac book...
- Porter bag... black jack...(11219-018 TOTE)
- fresh imp jeans..


Tan song hui
born in 24/dec/1988
studying in Republic poly
love water sports
New intrest in EMP
love basketball
blend and mix well
GREEENNNNNNN is the colour you mix with

MY Friends

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

